Hey, I’m Justin 👋
I’m currently building Counsel Health! We’re trying to transform the way healthcare is delivered using superhuman doctors.
Before that I was an early engineer at Gather Town. I’ve done ML research at NVIDIA, working on body pose estimation models for health care applications (i.e patient monitoring). I also worked on computer vision and controls for chef robots at Dexai Robotics.
I graduated MIT studying EECS, where I did NLP research at MIT CSAIL working on fact verification, as well as methods for distributed/split learning at MIT Media Lab.
On campus, I ran the HackMIT Dev team, writing and maintaining open source web apps for organizing hackathons.
In high school, I founded my own hackathon in the Boston area and worked on various projects including using Google Glass to help the visually impaired. I also advocated for entrepreneurial + STEM education and currenty serve on the board of directors for Youth CITIES, an entrepreneurship education non-profit.
I like attending hackathons for fun and I’m always working on personal projects. When I’m not coding, I’m probably climbing buildings, working out, playing piano, or trying to get better at Go.
I also love talking to new people so come say hi: justinyu [at] alum.mit.edu